Come April 21, 2007, Singapore Day will be held at Bryant Park in New York City. I am pretty excited about it coz KT and BR will be flying in from Memphis, TN for that weekend. We heard there'll be lots of Singapore food and also Singapore entertainers will be performing (so far I see only one that I am familiar and she is Kit Chan). We will most likely be patriotic and wear red tees that have 'SINGAPORE' on the front ... hahahaha. They actually tell people to 'Chope' the goodie bags online first, so kiasu lah! They better have real goodies in them, not just a bottle of mineral water, one packet of chocolate cookies, a badge that says 'I love Singapore' and loads of flyers, I know both KT and I will be pissed. The food better be good too or else we'll be making our merry way to NYC Chinatown for some real asian food!