Tuesday, 8 April 2008

My Cooking - Packed Lunches

I am so proud of myself for bringing my own lunch to work for the past 4 days!

1st Day - Fish with Napa Cabbage over Whole Wheat Pasta

2nd Day - Chicken with Napa Cabbage over Flavored Rice

3rd Day - Fish with Napa Cabbage over Whole Wheat Pasta (AGAIN!)

4th Day - Indonesian Beef Rendang Curry & Fried Egg over Rice

I actually had co-workers complimenting they looked and smelled delicious and yes they actually tasted good ... hee hee!greedygirl

Still contemplating if I should give myself a treat tomorrow and buy lunch? Hhmmmmmm ... the hubby thinks I should but we shall see how I feel when I wake up in the morning ... time for snooze soon.Photobucket